Image of Electrical and Instrumentation Technology students.

ETEC: LMC wires students into lucrative careers

Angel Cortes, 19, heard about Los Medanos College from a high school counselor, when he expressed an interest in working as an electrician. He discovered the Electrical and Instrumentation Technology (ETEC) course and immediately signed up. “With the skills we’re learning here, you can do just about anything, especially with the instrumentation part of the course,” Cortes said. “You can...
Image of Job Fair.

Employers seek LMC students for high-demand jobs

Each year dozens of top local and regional employers descend onto LMC’s Pittsburg campus for the Spring Internship and Job Fair, enticing students to join their company and take on high-demand, well-paying jobs. “Los Medanos College has excellent contacts and industry partners who look to us each year, seeking the most well-prepared prospective employees,” said Bill Bankhead, LMC manager...
Image of Melissa Jackson , Veteran Services.

Military-connected community finds answers and support at VRC

By Melissa Jackson, LMC Veteran Services Program Coordinator When it comes to exploring a future during and after military service, LMC’s Veterans Resources Center (VRC) is the place to start. The center helps military-connected students access the programs and benefits they need to achieve their degree or technical and career training goals. More than 650 military-connected students...