LMC Turns 50: Be part of the legacy!

Los Medanos College this year celebrates its golden anniversary. As such, LMC’s 50th Anniversary Committee invites faculty, employees, alumni, students and community members to join the yearlong celebration by sharing memories, stories, photos, videos, and milestones. LMC in the past year has emerged in the Top 150 U.S. Community Colleges for the fifth consecutive time. The college is among...
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The Future is Ours

Programs of Study Administration of Justice Anthropology Art Automotive Technology Biology Business Chemistry Child Development Communication Studies Computer Science Construction Pre-Apprenticeship Counseling Drama Drone Operations Electrical/Instrumentation Technology Emergency Medical Services Engineering English English as a Second...
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Employers seek LMC students for high-demand jobs

Each year dozens of top local and regional employers descend onto LMC’s Pittsburg campus for the Spring Internship and Job Fair, enticing students to join their company and take on high-demand, well-paying jobs. “Los Medanos College has excellent contacts and industry partners who look to us each year, seeking the most well-prepared prospective employees,” said Bill Bankhead, LMC manager...
posted in: Careers, Internship, Student Services
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LMC offers free tuition for two years

Full-time students can attend Los Medanos College tuition-free for up to two years. Students qualify for free tuition when they register in 12 credit units and complete a financial aid application, regardless of income. Students are not required to qualify for financial aid, demonstrate financial need or meet any income requirements. This tuition waiver is like a grant, meaning that unlike a...
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ETEC: LMC wires students into lucrative careers

Angel Cortes, 19, heard about Los Medanos College from a high school counselor, when he expressed an interest in working as an electrician. He discovered the Electrical and Instrumentation Technology (ETEC) course and immediately signed up. “With the skills we’re learning here, you can do just about anything, especially with the instrumentation part of the course,” Cortes said. “You can...
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Career Focus A-Z Los Medanos College

LMC Degrees & Certificates Gives you Certificate of Completion Noncredit The skills you need to get an entry-level job or for additional specialization College Skills Certificate The skills you need to get an entry-level job or for additional specialization Certificate of Achievement Expanded certificate with additional knowledge and skills to help you move...
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Success coaches guide students through the finish line

Los Medanos College students are never alone on their educational journey. With a team of success coaches at the ready, students have someone to guide them on pathways aligned with their areas of interest. Success coaches focus on five pathways: behavioral science and social science; arts, humanities, and communication; business, manufacturing, and transportation; health and public service; and...
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Military-connected community finds answers and support at VRC

By Melissa Jackson, LMC Veteran Services Program Coordinator When it comes to exploring a future during and after military service, LMC’s Veterans Resources Center (VRC) is the place to start. The center helps military-connected students access the programs and benefits they need to achieve their degree or technical and career training goals. More than 650 military-connected students...
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Welcome to Los Medanos College!

We meet at an especially thrilling time as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. And while we are proud of how we have grown and served East Contra Costa County over the past five decades, we maintain an eye toward the future – our future. [caption id="attachment_27" align="alignright" width="300"] LMC President Pamela Ralston[/caption] For fifty remarkable years, Los Medanos College has...
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LMC brings dream job to reality for aspiring firefighters

Recruits ignite their careers with hands-on training Riley Egan had prepared for weeks for what his Fire Academy instructors called the “live burn” at the Contra Costa County Fire Training Center. He checked his gear and stood at the ready. Once the instructor ignited the gasoline prop pan, Egan swiftly moved in and attacked the blaze, dousing it with a burst from his fire...
posted in: Fire Science
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