The Los Medanos College (LMC) Career Services team has developed a program that supports the career success of all LMC students and alumni with a focus on inclusion and equity. From your first semester, we can help with identifying career and major options that fit your goals and values. In fact, choosing a major and career often begins with clarifying and reflecting on those goals and values. Our Career Exploration Program Coordinator and new Career Counselor will provide career assessments that identify interests and strengths, leading to a range of possible jobs to explore. That exploration continues throughout your academic career, with experiential learning in classes and work-based learning in the community – allowing you to confirm that you’re headed in the right direction AND will have the skills that employers want when you get there.
Our Career Services team will help you identify and stay on an academic and career path that leads to your goals, with revamped services to make that even easier:
- CAREER TRACKS: A “deep dive” into majors, identifying focus areas, transferable skills, internships, and professional networks
- CAREER WEDNESDAY: Drop-in hours to assist with career planning and development
- INDUSTRY TOURS: Visits to local and regional employers that enable you to discover company culture, explore internship and work experience options, and build professional contacts
- COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE EDUCATION (CWEE): Academic credit for your job or volunteer work
When it’s time to start looking for a job – either part-time during school or full-time when you graduate – LMC Career Services can help with that, too. We cover the full spectrum, from accessing the hidden job market and building an impressive resume, to performing well in the interview and negotiating an offer!
A college major doesn’t define what you will be doing “for the rest of your life” or even automatically lead directly to a career. Your career is a process built through your education and external experiences, like jobs, internships, volunteering, and networking.