Your Road to Career Success Starts Here.
As you think about the next step in your life, what do you see? A career? More education? Job advancement? Transfer & Career Services at Los Medanos College can help you create your plan for the future.
As you consider college majors, careers are a big focus–but where do you start?
Follow these steps to get headed in the right direction:
Think about the qualities and characteristics in your life, work and/or activities that are important to you. What are you naturally skilled at and what skills would you like to gain? What activities bring you fulfillment and what are the values you want represented in your work and life? What topics draw your interest? Who do you like to be around in group activities? All of these factors play a part in determining the career direction that might be best suited for you.
If you feel a bit “stuck,” Transfer & Career Services can assist by connecting you with a career counselor who can help you reflect and refine your priorities through career exploration tools and activities. Additionally, LMC’s Career Services website has wonderful activities you can do on your own to help you clarify your career goals.
After looking inward at what is important to you, next turn your attention outward: explore careers, jobs, industries, and positions to understand how the working world aligns with what you have identified as priorities and values at this point in your life. Utilize information on LMC’s Career Services website such as Career Coach, California Career Café, and the Occupational Outlook Handbook to narrow your interests and create a stronger educational and career plan. Find those links and more at
The final step is to go after your refined career goal. If your career plans include transferring from LMC to get your bachelor’s degree, utilize the Transfer Services programs and resources to: meet with a university admissions representative; go on free tours to 4-year institutions; receive assistance in applying to CSUs, UCs or private universities; join a transfer-focused learning community; and learn about transfer agreement guarantee (TAG) options.
If your plans include full-time work or internships while at Los Medanos College, utilize the career counselor once again to make sure your resume and cover letter are effective for your target career. Discover resources to network and apply to listings online through the Career Services website and the variety of career programs offered each year.
LMC’s Transfer & Career Services staff are located in the Student Services Center on Level 4. They are available to guide you through all phases of reflection, exploration, and pursuit to help you find your best career fit.
For more information, visit
– Kristin Conner