Hot jobs are available in these hot careers!
In 2012, Los Medanos College and the Contra Costa Community College District served as the consortium leads for Design It – Build It – Ship It (DBS), a 4-year, $14.9 million U.S. Department of Labor-funded initiative in the East Bay under the Obama Administration’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training program (TAACCCT). The goal of DBS is to build an integrated, regional, industry-driven workforce development system in the East Bay. DBS includes ten community colleges, five workforce development boards, two universities, and non-governmental regional partners.
Los Medanos College is keenly aware of its role in helping to build and maintain the skill level of the local workforce, whether they are young graduating high school seniors, returning veterans or displaced workers. Approximately 45 percent of the county’s workforce is age 45 or older. Over the next ten years, older workers ages 55-64 will be the fastest growing segment of the county’s workforce. A wave of retirement in the manufacturing sector could leave manufacturers with skill shortages and challenges in recruiting and training new employees.
With all of this in mind, three LMC programs are showcased that are each vital elements of the workforce training needs of advanced manufacturing. They all share the same hiring challenge of more jobs than qualified graduates. These three programs are the College’s primary focus for its Design It – Build It – Ship It grant resources. Each is an example of how strong industry partnerships, the Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County, and the America’s Job Center of California/EastBay Works centers serve the need of our students and the community.
“The East Bay is an innovation hub with advanced manufacturing companies helping to pave the way,” said Stephen Baiter, Executive Director of the Workforce Development Board. “Increasing and deepening the talent pool will help attract more businesses to our region, create more jobs and increase economic vitality for all.”
Careers in Electrical and Instrumentation Technology
Los Medanos College is in a unique position to offer an outstanding, up-to-date curriculum that has been designed by industry, for industry. The electrical technician specialization is designed to train electricians to maintain complex electrical automation systems used in the advanced manufacturing and power generation industry. The instrumentation technician specialization is designed to train instrument technicians to maintain the process measurement and control systems used in refineries, chemical plants, biotech plants, pharmaceutical plants, food and beverage manufacturing, and water and waste treatment plants. Annual salaries in the Bay Area for these careers range from $35,100 to $89,100 (
No other college in this area provides similar education and training needed to obtain these high-skill, high-wage and high-demand jobs. The Electrical & Instrumentation Technology (ETEC) program enables students to graduate with a certificate of achievement in four semesters (two years).
“After a 25-year absence from college, returning to school was a daunting experience. However, my classmates were very supportive and my instructors have taught me the basic knowledge and skills to obtain a rewarding career with major industries where I live. They provided insightful real work experiences, as well as encouragement to those of us re-training back into the workforce and to those who are just starting out.”
– Patricia Coad, Certificate of Achievement in Instrumentation Technology
Careers in Process Technology
The Process Technology (PTEC) Program at Los Medanos College was produced in response to requests from local chemical and refining industries, and provides students with training for high-skill, high-wage jobs needed in the advanced manufacturing industry. Process technicians are skilled plant operators who work for chemical, refining, oil and gas production/refining, power generation, water, waste management, food manufacturing, and related manufacturing companies. Annual salaries in the Bay Area for Process Technicians range from $63,700 to $98,400 ( The process technicians who run these plants work inside with state-of-the-art computer control systems and work outside taking process samples, monitoring the equipment, and solving problems in a team environment.
“As someone who never finished high school, I was somewhat intimidated to pursue a degree in Process Technology, and apprehensive towards physics, chemistry and algebra. With helpful instructors, as well as the science and math labs, I achieved good grades in the very subjects I was worried about. Not only have I gained a vast knowledge of the technical side of Process Technology, I have also sharpened my soft skills with classes like Public Speaking. I now possess the qualifications that employers are currently seeking.”
– Tamralyn Thompson, Process Technology student
Careers in Welding
Welders can work in a variety of places including power plants, shipyards, refineries, an oil platform in the ocean, manufacturing plants, or operating their own welding shop. LMC’s Welding Technology program prepares students for great careers with a comprehensive program featuring up-to-date equipment in our hands-on lab. Successful completion of the program provides sufficient training for entry level into the field of production type welding.
Welders are in high demand in the Bay Area. Many own their own businesses and work for themselves or work in a team in the construction, manufacturing or utilities industries. Annual salaries for welders in the Bay Area range from $30,300 to $70,400. ( With additional training, experienced welders can advance to become welding inspectors and technicians. Organizations such as USS-POSCO, United Spiral Pipe LLC, Bay Ship and Yacht, and local construction unions recruit our graduates because of their highly desired knowledge and skills.
“I am really enjoying learning to weld at LMC. The welding lab is filled with great equipment, providing a state-of-the-art, hands-on experience. The instructors are very good and have been in the trade for many years. The LMC Welding program gets me excited about my career, and enthusiastic to get out and get a job!”
– James Pond, Welding student